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Hazardous Tree Removal Melbourne – When to Remove a Dangerous Tree

Trees are a valuable asset to any property. They provide shade, beauty, and even boost property value. But what happens when a tree becomes a hazard? Whether due to disease, structural weakness, or external damage, hazardous trees pose a significant risk to both people and property. Knowing when to remove a dangerous tree is crucial for maintaining safety. This comprehensive guide will walk you through identifying hazardous trees, determining the best time for removal, and understanding why professional help is essential.


In This Article:


A Hazardous Tree that has split at the trunk.
A Hazardous Tree that has split at the trunk.

How Do You Identify a Hazardous Tree?

Spotting a hazardous tree before it causes damage is key. While not all trees that look unhealthy are dangerous, certain signs should trigger concern. Here’s what to look for:

1. Dead or Dying Wood

Dead branches are a clear indicator that a tree may be in trouble. These branches can fall unexpectedly, especially during high winds or storms, posing a risk to anything below. A tree with multiple dead branches may be struggling with internal issues, signaling it could be a hazard. Our Complete Dead Tree Removal Guide article has more in-depth information.

2. Cracks and Splits

Visible cracks or splits in the trunk or major limbs often indicate structural weakness. These splits can be caused by natural growth, previous storm damage, or internal decay. Even if a tree seems stable, a sudden windstorm can exacerbate these weaknesses, leading to a fall.


A hazardous tree that needs to be removed.
A hazardous tree that needs to be removed.

3. Leaning Trees

Not all leaning trees are dangerous, but a sudden or progressive lean could mean that the tree’s roots are compromised. If the soil around the base of the tree is disturbed, or if the roots are exposed, the tree may be on the brink of toppling.

4. Root Damage

Roots anchor a tree, providing stability. Any damage to the root system can severely impact a tree’s health and stability. Signs of root damage include lifting roots, disturbed soil, or a shallow root system exposed at the base of the tree.

5. Fungal Growth

Fungi, such as mushrooms growing at the base or on the trunk of a tree, are often indicators of internal decay. This decay weakens the tree from the inside out, making it a significant hazard, even if the exterior looks healthy.


A hazardous tree with a split trunk going into the wood chipper.
A hazardous tree with a split trunk going into the wood chipper.



6. Evidence of Pest Infestation

Certain pests can cause extensive damage to trees, eating away at the wood and creating weak points. Signs of infestation should be taken seriously, especially when combined with other structural issues.

7. Fire Damage

In bushfire-prone areas, trees damaged by fire may have hidden weaknesses. The intense heat can cause internal damage, making the tree a potential hazard even if it looks stable from the outside. For more detailed information on identifying hazardous trees, particularly those damaged by bushfires, refer to the Hazardous Tree Removal after Bushfire document by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning (DELWP).


Landholders should consider engaging an arborist or a hazard tree assessor if trees have incurred severe damage by recent fire and appear unstable. –

8. Overhanging Branches Near Roofs

Branches that extend over your roof can pose a significant risk, especially if they become weakened due to disease, pests, or storm damage. Not only can falling branches cause physical damage to your roof, but they can also lead to clogged gutters and create pathways for pests to enter your home. For more detailed information, you can read our dedicated article on tree branches overhanging roofs.

When Should You Remove a Hazardous Tree?

Once a tree has been identified as hazardous, determining when to remove it is critical. Here are the key factors to consider:

1. Immediate Danger

If a tree poses an immediate threat to people, property, or infrastructure, it should be removed as soon as possible. This includes trees that are leaning dangerously or have significant structural defects.


A hazardous tree being removed at a school.
A hazardous tree being removed at a school.


2. Proximity to High-Traffic Areas

Trees near roads, footpaths, playgrounds, or buildings should be regularly assessed for potential hazards. If a tree in these areas is deemed hazardous, removal should be prioritized to prevent accidents.

3. After Severe Weather

Following storms, heavy winds, or bushfires, trees may have sustained damage that isn’t immediately apparent. It’s crucial to have trees inspected by a professional arborist after such events to assess any potential hazards.


Trees are to be assessed by a qualified and experienced arborist to determine whether there is an immediate risk of personal injury or damage to property, including to road users, as a result of the fire impact to the tree. –


4. Preventive Measures

In some cases, trees may not pose an immediate threat but could become hazardous over time due to disease, age, or environmental factors. Proactive removal can prevent future problems, especially in areas prone to extreme weather conditions.


A Yellowbox Gum which had two branches fall and after stump grinding the rot in the stump can be observed
A Yellowbox Gum which had two branches fall and after stump grinding the rot in the stump can be observed


5. Regulatory Compliance

In certain regions, local councils may have regulations regarding the removal of trees, especially those deemed hazardous. It’s important to comply with these regulations, and a professional arborist can assist in obtaining the necessary permits for removal.

At Milone’s Tree Solutions, we understand the importance of timely and safe tree removal. Our team is equipped to handle hazardous trees efficiently, minimizing risks to people and property.

Can I Remove a Dangerous Tree Myself?

The idea of tackling tree removal yourself might be tempting, especially if you’re an avid DIY enthusiast. However, removing a hazardous tree is fraught with risks that can endanger your safety and that of others. Here’s why professional removal is the best option:

1. Safety Concerns

Tree removal, especially of hazardous trees, is inherently dangerous. It requires specialized equipment and knowledge to safely remove a tree without causing injury. Without proper training, you risk serious injury or worse.

2. Lack of Proper Equipment

Professional tree removal services, like those provided by Milone’s Tree Solutions, use specialized equipment including stump grinders, chainsaws, and wood chippers. These tools are well-maintained and suited for the job. Attempting to remove a tree without the right tools can lead to accidents and incomplete removal.


A Hazardous Tree Removal in Melbourne of a Tree with a Split Trunk.
A Hazardous Tree Removal in Melbourne of a Tree with a Split Trunk.


3. Risk of Property Damage

Improper tree removal can cause significant damage to your property, neighboring properties, or public infrastructure. Professionals have the experience and expertise to bring down a tree safely, minimizing the risk of unintended damage.

4. Legal and Insurance Issues

If you remove a tree yourself and something goes wrong, you could be liable for any resulting damage. Additionally, many insurance policies may not cover damage caused by amateur tree removal. Always check for a certificate of currency to ensure that your tree removal service is fully insured, as is the case with Milone’s Tree Solutions.


Trees provide great benefits for the urban environment, but they can become hazardous to people and property. This can be associated with storm damage, fungal attack, climatic conditions, growth patterns and damage by animals and people. –


5. Environmental Considerations

Professional arborists not only remove trees safely but also ensure that the surrounding environment is protected. This includes proper disposal of the tree and its parts, minimizing disruption to the ecosystem.

Given these risks, it’s clear that hiring a professional is the safest and most effective way to remove a hazardous tree. At Milone’s Tree Solutions, our qualified arborists have the expertise to assess, remove, and manage trees in a way that prioritizes safety and environmental stewardship.


property damage hazardous tree melbourne


Milone’s Tree Solutions: Your Trusted Partner in Dangerous Tree Removal

When it comes to hazardous tree removal, choosing a service provider you can trust is essential. Milone’s Tree Solutions is fully insured and staffed by qualified arborists who understand the complexities of tree care and removal. We serve clients across Werribee, Melbourne, and Geelong, offering reliable and professional services to ensure your property remains safe and aesthetically pleasing.

Our commitment to quality, safety, and customer satisfaction sets us apart from the competition. Unlike some operators in the industry who may cut corners or lack proper insurance, Milone’s Tree Solutions takes every precaution to protect our clients and their properties.


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Have a Hazardous Tree? Act Now

Hazardous tree removal is not a task to be taken lightly. Identifying dangerous trees and knowing when and how to remove them can prevent accidents and save lives. Whether you’re dealing with a tree that’s been damaged by a storm, showing signs of decay, or leaning precariously, it’s vital to act quickly and enlist the help of professionals.

Milone’s Tree Solutions offers comprehensive tree removal services, ensuring that every job is done safely, efficiently, and in compliance with all relevant regulations. Don’t take chances with your safety—contact Milone’s Tree Solutions today for a consultation and keep your property safe from the dangers of hazardous trees.

For more information on hazardous tree removal after bushfires, please refer to the Hazardous Tree Removal after Bushfire document provided by the Victorian Department of Environment, Land, Water, and Planning.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for general guidance only and does not constitute legal advice. For specific advice regarding hazardous tree removal and related legal issues, please consult with legal and professional authorities.

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